Our Journal

Human Touch | Yuan Ping
In some ways, our journey with Yuan Ping mirrored that with our other customisation clients. What makes our experience with each client unique though, is the little moments in between which...
Human Touch | Yuan Ping
In some ways, our journey with Yuan Ping mirrored that with our other customisation clients. What makes our experience with each client unique though, is the little moments in between which...

Gaining Hope, Giving Hope | Kang Wei
An anonymous nomination for our #BeTheDifference campaign led us to meet Kang Wei. Having cerebral palsy, Kang Wei has difficulties navigating daily dressing processes which require greater dexterity. Then, out...
Gaining Hope, Giving Hope | Kang Wei
An anonymous nomination for our #BeTheDifference campaign led us to meet Kang Wei. Having cerebral palsy, Kang Wei has difficulties navigating daily dressing processes which require greater dexterity. Then, out...

Altering Lifestyle Choices | Thammika
When our clothes no longer “fit” us, do we throw them away and buy new ones or make do with what we already have? Clothes that are mass produced may...
Altering Lifestyle Choices | Thammika
When our clothes no longer “fit” us, do we throw them away and buy new ones or make do with what we already have? Clothes that are mass produced may...

Behind Will & Well | From An Intern’s Perspective
So, how do you see yourself contributing to Will & Well? “Um…writing blog posts?” *smiles awkwardly* Other things were said at my first meeting with Elisa, but it seems rather...
Behind Will & Well | From An Intern’s Perspective
So, how do you see yourself contributing to Will & Well? “Um…writing blog posts?” *smiles awkwardly* Other things were said at my first meeting with Elisa, but it seems rather...

Behind Will & Well | Our First Interns
This pandemic is a wild time for a young person with barely any working experience to be an intern. And it was just as much a learning process for us...
Behind Will & Well | Our First Interns
This pandemic is a wild time for a young person with barely any working experience to be an intern. And it was just as much a learning process for us...

The ‘Possible’ Seamstress | You Pin
You Pin started learning to sew at a young age of 12 because it was a skill her father had deemed necessary and suitable for women to learn. Struggling between...
The ‘Possible’ Seamstress | You Pin
You Pin started learning to sew at a young age of 12 because it was a skill her father had deemed necessary and suitable for women to learn. Struggling between...