Behind Will & Well | Our First Interns

Behind Will & Well | Our First Interns

The year is 2020. Singapore activated its ‘circuit breaker’ to curb the spread of Covid-19 and non-essential workplaces, including ours, were ordered to work from home. Work as we knew it morphed into a strange affair. We could no longer spontaneously nudge the person beside us to bounce ideas whenever inspiration hit. Everything had to be done online and we first had to figure out this new normal called ‘Zoom’.

This was a wild time for a young person with barely any working experience to be an intern. And it was just as much a learning process for us as we never had an intern on board. Those first few months were filled with question marks and maybes. But looking back, such a process was actually never a stranger to us. Will & Well was built on a willingness to try, a drive to overcome, and a readiness to learn. Thankfully, our first 3 interns―Kasey, Kai Hui, and Kelly (not her real name) all embodied the same spirit which expanded what we could do and our social impact. More than just interns, they became valued members of the team.

Kasey – Our First Intern

A lasting impression of Kasey was that she was a research whiz―a strength we wished we had discovered earlier. As she undertook her internship amidst the escalating pandemic in 2020, we got to know Kasey mostly through a screen but her fun personality shone through!

A rare team photo in 2020 when safety regulations in Singapore were relaxed.

She applied to us as part of her school internship requirement and though she did not have a background in design, she was willing to learn. With guidance, she designed graphics, edited videos, generated social media content and more. Open to feedback, she took things in her stride, learned and refined her way to great final products. She even took the initiative to figure out this Give Me A Hand instagram filter (try it out here), something we couldn’t teach.

Being our very first intern, Kasey taught us the importance of good communication as well as the need to identify one’s strengths quickly. We realised we still had much to learn, and brought those lessons with us as we took on our next few interns.

Kai Hui – The Artist

Free-spirited and fearless, Kai Hui was a breath of fresh air when she joined us in January this year. She was always ready to put her creative juices to work, game to try new things and embraced spontaneity. During one of our pop-ups, she even executed an abstract painting request on the spot with ease! With Kai Hui on board, we executed ideas quickly, allowing us to push beyond what we could have on our own.

Kai Hui modelling for our Convertible Cargo Pants (left) and also diligently doing a quality check for each piece of apparel in the office (right).

Being an art student with an interest in fashion, she used her time with us to learn technical aspects such as pattern making while assisting with customisation requests. She also helped with graphic design, including the Give Me A Hand notecards. Unafraid to voice her opinions and share new ideas, we learnt as much from her as she did from us.

Kelly – The Focused One

Legend has it that Kelly once wrote a full workshop proposal within 45 minutes of being briefed. We can confirm that this legend is true as we were there and blown away by not only the speed but also the clarity and detail of her ideas.

Joining us shortly after Kai Hui in March, she brought a new energy to the team with her focus and prior experience with fashion from school. Efficient and task-oriented, Kelly definitely helped push things forward at Will & Well.

In addition to conceptualising and organising project ideas, she created illustrations and assisted with customisation requests. She took ownership in her tasks and was a good communicator, allowing the team to progress smoothly through various projects. Also not one to shy away from voicing her opinion, feedback was two-way and both of us grew together.

Deserved Appreciation

We’re really grateful for all the unique contributions Kasey, Kai Hui, and Kelly had made during their short time with us. Their curiosity and teachable attitude reassured us that we could continue to dream and accomplish bigger things with Will & Well. Beyond expanding our capacity and capabilities, they also taught us how to pass on our skills and knowledge to the next wave.

Wherever they go from here, we know that they will continue to make a difference!
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