Sparking our Capsule Collection: Leave UV

Sparking our Capsule Collection: Leave UV

Could a shirt be more than a shirt?
A year ago, our conclusion was a resounding 'yes' when we worked with Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) to create a UV reactive shirt for Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Snippet of the UV Reactive shirt created for PM Lee
Part of the embroidered UV Reactive Shirt created for PM Lee, read about it here.

At our new studio-office space in Alexandra Hospital, we revisited the idea. Or rather, the idea paid us another visit. We knew that we were working towards Will & Well's next collection and the idea of UV reactive clothing found its way back to the surface of Elisa's scattered mind. What a great way to start a new decade – clothing that could overcome dressing challenges while doubling as a UV warning system!

Leave UV Reactive prints on Unisex Drawstring Pants, view it here.

We didn’t quite know how the collection would take shape, but the team had a certain faith in the process.  And there in the grassy surroundings of Alexandra Hospital, were the leaves now handprinted onto our Leave UV capsule collection.

Leave UV Reactive prints on Men's Slim Fit Short Sleeve Shirt in White and Baby Blue, view it here.

Leave UV Reactive prints on Men's Slim Fit Short Sleeve Shirt in Baby Pink, view it here.

This is a print that celebrates a new chapter in Will & Well, a print that anchors Will & Well’s new home and a print that reminds us of how nature works in both ways.

We hope through this print, people will be able to both appreciate the beauty of our natural environment and also protect themselves from the harsher aspects of nature!

Shop our Capsule Collection: Leave UV, here!
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